


  中華民國隱形矯正學會成立,為提供學術性討論隱形矯正學術之平台,如江海納百川 ,化作甘霖,使得川流不息;本會匯集全國有志牙醫師共同提升隱形矯正學術之研究訓練與醫療品質,並開創國際間隱形齒顎矯正學學術之交流,促使隱形矯正技術日新月異,盡善盡美smile with heart, without braces


Taiwan Association of Aligner Orthodontist (TAAO) was developed since 2015, and 
provides a platform for academic discussion in aligner therapy.
The aim of the TAAO is to provoke a high-quality treatment for every aligner provider, 
though arranging aligner providers training programs and assisting the researches on clinical aligner therapy.
Our motto is smile with heart, without braces.